Yes I. What a pleasant surprise it was indeed, to receive this great
review by one of the biggest reggae and dub portals on the web.
has expressed with the best words on our nelabel family. Massive
respect to Messian Dread and his crew for the amazing work they do for
so many years, always giving their best to the (conscious) reggae and dub community worldwide.

But the review does not stop here, it continues by showcasing two of our releases. The first one is a release from last year, "Love fi Life" by Ibel Campbell, Med Dred and Dub Caravan.
"Three vocals, four dubs: Love Fi Life is a joyous collaboration between Jamaican vocalist Ibel and Med Dred based on another island, namely that of Cyprus. The Mediterranean vibes are there, undeniably. The Jamaican vibe, too. There's even a UK Dub vibe coming in the form of a Dub by Dub Caravan. Get this one for some Ireness!" Read More
And just today one more review was posted on their site. This time a more recent one from this year released by Dubsynaticx, "Studio Dubs Part I".